11x17 Arcylic and ink
Yes, bad photo. This is the first acrylic painting I've done since sophomore year and I had a surprisingly good time working on it. All of Junior year I've avoided painting and honed onto my drawing skills. Maybe I was subconsciously tainted by Woodruff's critique of my oil painting that I refused to pick up another brush again. wahhh! A year is plenty of time to recuperate I guess. Now as a senior, I figure this would be the only time I'd be able to experiment with different mediums and figure out my niche.
This is a painting I did for
Marcos Chin's Fashion Illustration and Beyond...emphasis on 'beyond'. The assignment was given at random. Each student was to pick a type of person and an adjective out of a bag and I was left with 'spritely diver'. This assignment forced me to think less literally of the content. Therefore, I tapped into the idea of adolescence and the spontaneous, fearless, immature mind of a child which is represented by the little girl, who is holding a small weapon as if she is about to dive into a pool of creatures. This class has already taught me so much and in a way is pushing my limits to what I can create conceptually and physically.